XIQS Get Price Plan Credit Check Info

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XIQS Get Price Plan Credit Check Info - Price Plan Management

getXIQSPPCreditCheckInfo ( Long id_priceplan )
Get from Price Plan object Credit Check parameters

Long id_priceplan

Price Plan Id
Return Values
List of Sim Credit parameters for specified Price Plan object

List List of Price Plan objects

String ussdcommand - Depending on the method of Credit Check (USSD, SMS or USSD with SMS answer) it could be:
- USSD Script Command (for example "*121#")
- SMS Message, prefixed by SMS Server Number (for example "SMS+33100,SMS credit check")
- USSD Script Command waiting for response sent in SMS message (for example "USM*222#")

Integer creditcheckmethod - Method used for creditcheck

Integer flashtimeout - Delay (in seconds) before instant (flash) creditcheck is in timeout

Integer ussdtrigger - Credit Check Trigger (1-Manual, 2-Sim Release, 3-Remaining minutes, 4-Sim Registration, 5-Daily Sim Registration)

Integer smsussdtrigger - Credit Check via (1-USSD, 2-SMS, 3-USSD with SMS answer)

Integer ussdsync - Credit Synchronisation type (1-Automatic, 2-Manual)

Integer checkondeactivate - Check Credit at Sim Deactivation

Integer advantage0 - Maximum gap allowed (%)

Integer advantage1 - Maximum gap allowed (minutes)

Integer ussdnoportrestart - Restart Port Before Credit Check

Integer additionalsms - Number of additional SMS that will be received

Integer addsmsrequired - Is additional SMS mandatory flag

String ussdpeak - Specify how to compute Call Credit Peak (in seconds) from the variables; Enter an expression that use the variables (#1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10) and operators ( + - * / ). Expression value is rounded to integer.
Example: #1 * 3600 + #2 * 60 + #3

String ussdoffpeak - Specify how to compute Call Credit Off Peak (in seconds) from the variables; Format is the same as for previous parameter

String bonus - Specify how to compute Call Credit Bonus (in seconds) from the variables; Format is the same as for previous parameter

String smspeak - Specify how to compute SMS Credit Peak; Format is the same as for previous parameter

String smsoffpeak - Specify how to compute SMS Credit Off Peak; Format is the same as for previous parameter

String smsbonus - Specify how to compute SMS Credit Bonus; Format is the same as for previous parameter

String nocreditfmt - Message format returned on out of credit

String notnetfmt - Message format returned on Network failure

Long ussdtimeout - USSD command timeout

Long ussdrespnb - Number of response

String ussdmatch - Message format returned for Valid USSD/SMS; Specify the template that describes the USSD/SMS string sent by the operator. The goal of the string format is to identify several variables into the USSD/SMS string.
'*' - Star can be used to bypass several characters, until the characters that follow the star was found.
'$' - Dollar sign is used to identify a part of the USSD string in which the variables can be found. A zone that contains variables is enclosed into two characters $.
'#i' - variable; 10 integer variables can be defined: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10.
'<>' - Each variable definition is enclosed into a starting < and anending >.
'=' - Variable assignement as follow #i= ‘Expression’
‘Expression’ is a string that contain * to identify the variable value and some characters that specify where to find the values.
For example *hh specify that the value of the variable is the integer value that is just before text "hh".
If expression is not found then the variable value is 0.
Example: *credit is $<#1=*h><#2=*m><#3=*s>$

String ussdmatch2 - <deprecated>

String ussdresponse - The last received USSD/SMS message

String ussdresponse2 - The last received 2nd SMS message

String ussdresponse3 - The last received 3th SMS message

String ussdresponse4 - The last received 4th SMS message

String ussdresponse5 - The last received 5th SMS message

String ussdresponse6 - The last received 6th SMS message

String ussdresponse7 - The last received 7th SMS message

String ussdresponse8 - The last received 8th SMS message

String ussdresponse9 - The last received 9th SMS message

String ussdresponse10 - The last received 10th SMS message

String ussdstring - Valid sample of USSD/SMS returned message

String ussdstring2 - Valid sample of 2nd SMS returned message

String ussdstring3 - Valid sample of 3rd SMS returned message

String ussdstring4 - Valid sample of 4th SMS returned message

String ussdstring5 - Valid sample of 5th SMS returned message

String ussdstring6 - Valid sample of 6th SMS returned message

String ussdstring7 - Valid sample of 7th SMS returned message

String ussdstring8 - Valid sample of 8th SMS returned message

String ussdstring9 - Valid sample of 9th SMS returned message

String ussdstring10 - Valid sample of 10th SMS returned message

String vusedfmt - Message format voucher already used

String vinvalidfmt - Message format invalid voucher

String refillunavailfmt - Message format refill network/service failure

String refilldeactivfmt - Message format refill sim blocked

String refill1stfmt - Message format refill not enough credit

String activdonefmt - Message format activation already activated

String activunavailfmt - Message format activation network/service failure

String activdeactivfmt - Message format activation sim blocked

Error Data structure ( Error Management )

Possible failure code returns
See Also


Personal tools
XIQS XML Protocol
XIQS Framework Libraries
XIQS Command List